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Board of Finance Minutes 02/09/2010
Board of Finance Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Old Lyme Town Hall Meeting Hall

Present:  (Regular Members) Andrew Russell, Wayne Devoe, H.P. Garvin III,
Christopher Kerr, Janet Sturges, David Woolley
(Alternate Members)  David Kelsey, Judy Read, Maggie Ward

Tim Griswold, First Selectman
Nicole Stajduhar, Finance Director

Absent:  (Regular Members) none
Absent:  (Alternate Members) none

Guests:  Mary Seidner (Lymes' Youth Service Bureau), Don Bugbee (Director, Parks and Recreation), Paul Graml (Old Lyme Shores), Scott Boulanger (Miami Beach, Federation of Beaches)

1. Call to Order
Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Mrs. Sturges moved that agenda item pertaining to Lymes' Youth Service Bureau be moved to the top of the agenda and approval of the minutes be moved to the end of the meeting.  Mr. Woolley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Mr. Kerr moved to place the agenda item pertaining to Parks and Recreation as the second item on the agenda.  Mrs. Sturges seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

2. Approval of Minutes – February 2, 2010
This item has been moved to the end of the meeting.

(agenda item numbers will remain the same – but in amended order)

7.  Social Services:  01-206    (Woolley / Sturges)

Lymes' Youth Service Bureau
Mary Seidner (Lymes' Youth Service Bureau) presented the LYSB proposed budget.  She reviewed the budget, with attention to the following: The state budget deficit mitigation plan could possibly reduce state funding by 25% ($6,300) for the current year.  Contributions in all areas to LYSB are down this year.  Their community campaign is $5,000 behind last year at this same time.  They have implemented reduced hours for counseling and some spending freezes.  Ms. Seidner stated that the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year includes a 2% raise for staff.  One part-time position was eliminated in 2009.  In conclusion, the LYSB is requesting $69,000 from the town.  This is an increase of $3,000 over last year.

6.  Parks and Recreation:  01-204   (Kerr / Devoe)
Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Director Don Bugbee reviewed the budget with the board.  He stated that most line items remained the same, or had decreased from last year.  He did include a fifty-cent an hour raise for employees, and more hours of operation for the Sound View Parking Lot. Mileage for the director has increased in lieu of a town vehicle for his use.  A large item on the budget is the custodial fees for Regional District 18 during basketball season.  Mr. Bugbee stated that the Sound View Parking Lot brought in $90,840 in fees last summer.  This is an increase over the previous year.  The Parks and Recreation projected budget (less Director's salary) is $204,974.

Town Woods Park
The town has awarded Country Lawn and Garden the contract for services at Town Woods Park for three years. The contract year runs January through December with a cost of $95,961 for 2010 and a cost of $97,961 for 2011.  Additional projected expenses (fiscal year 2010/2011) for Town Woods Park is $11,500.

The expense for the town fireworks remains the same as last year. $18,000
Last year this was funded from the Sound View Parking Lot Fund.

Memorial Day
The expense for Memorial Day remains the same as last year.  $2500

Little League
Mr. Kerr stated that the town does not fund Little League.

Don Bugbee spoke to the board about the importance of maintaining our parks and beaches in a more pro-active wa.y He stated that the Sound View Parking Lot had brought in $644,186 over the past eleven years.  Mr. Bugbee suggested that each year a portion of this money could be allocated to the maintenance of Old Lyme Parks and Recreation facilities.  He spoke to the board about the need to repair the bathhouses at Hains Park and stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission would be bringing this matter to the board's attention soon.  The board asked Mr. Bugbee to get an estimate as soon as possible for the cost of repairs of the Hains Park bathrooms.  The board will then decide whether to allocate funds for the project in this fiscal year or next.

First Selectman Griswold discussed the idea of portable bathrooms (the kind that are housed in a trailer) for Sound View Beach.  Mr. Griswold recommended that a representative from a company that provides such "bathrooms on a trailer" speak to the town.  This solution would be an improvement over the portable bathrooms that we presently use, but the board would need to know the cost associated with it.  Mr. Russell agreed, and First Selectman Griswold will do some research on the matter.

3. Grants to Non-Profits:  Beach Associations 01-211     (Woolley)

Point O Woods
No representation present.
Nicole Stajduhar, Finance Director,  reported that she had received an email from Mark Peterson asking for $23,500 from the town.  This represents an increase of $2,900 over last year.

Old Lyme Shores
Paul Graml (Old Lyme Shores) addressed the board.  Old Lyme Shores is requesting $20,000 this year from the town.  This represents a $6,500 increase over last year.  Mr. Graml stated that the beach had not had an increase from the town in twelve years.  Mr. Russell reminded Paul that the town had given the Federation of Beaches $12,000 last fiscal year to help the beaches cover the cost of security. Mr. Russell suggested that the Federation of Beaches look into hiring security for all the beaches, thus allowing for better pricing and coverage.

Old Colony Beach
No representation present.

Miami Beach
Scott Boulanger (Miami Beach) addressed the board, and requested an increase over the $20,000 that the town gave them last year.  He explained the need for increased funding and the toll that the parking lots at Sound View (both town-owned and private) bring to Miami Beach with regard to people using their beach and the issues associated with this.  Mr. Boulanger stated that it was difficult listening to Mr. Bugbee, Parks and Recreation Director, speak of the money brought in from parking lot fees.  Mr. Boulanger would like to see some of this money from the parking lot income go to Miami Beach to help fund added security due to the influx of non-residents spilling onto their beach.  Mr. Boulanger stated that one-half to two-thirds of people using Miami Beach during the summer months are not residents of Miami Beach.  

White Sands Beach
No representation present.

Rogers Lake West Shores
No representation present.

Hawks Nest Beach
No representation present.

Federation of Beaches
Scott Boulanger stated that the Federation of Beaches is requesting $12,000 this year.  This is the same amount as last year.  Mr. Russell asked why the $12,000 that was given to the Federation of Beaches by the town last year had not been used in its entirety.  This money was granted to the Federation to help with the expense of security.  Mr. Boulanger stated that the Federation will "step it up" this coming year and be more active as a group.

Discussion - Beach Associations:
Mr. Kerr and Ms. Read both stated that it is important to keep increases to a minimum and best to have no increases this year.  Mr. Kerr stated that the Federation of Beaches had not utilized the $12,000 that was granted to them last year.  Mr. Russell asked First Selectman Griswold what the "private" parking lot town permit fees are.  Mr. Griswold stated that they are $20 per spot – per year, and this totals about $4,000 in fees payable to the town.  Mr. Kerr made a motion to approve $104,300 to the private beach associations, including the Federation of Beaches.  Mr. Devoe seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.  Mr. Woolley and Mr. Garvin abstained.

4.  Public Safety:  Police Services 01-205    (Woolley / Garvin)

Resident State Police
First Selectman Griswold reviewed the proposed budget noting that only one state trooper will be utilized this new fiscal year instead of two.  He continued by giving an overview of the State Police Contract, with the biggest expense being overtime charges incurred by utilizing state troopers.  According to the contract, if the town uses the services of its Resident State Trooper, the town is billed for 70% of the trooper's overtime wages and related fringe benefits (at 59% of wages).  If a state trooper (other than our Resident State Trooper) is assigned to the town, the town will be billed for 100% of overtime wages and fringes.  The state assigns the troopers in order to allow all state troopers equal overtime opportunity.  First Selectman Griswold stated that it would be best if the town could use state trooper overtime as little as possible and use our town police more.  He also mentioned the consideration of working with the town of East Lyme for different avenues of police hiring.

Mr. Kerr made a motion to approve $177,725 for State Police expenses.  Mr. Woolley seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

Municipal Police
First Selectman Griswold reviewed the town's police budget of $344,170 for the new fiscal year.  He would like to increase the town police force by one full-time officer and add more part-time positions creating less need for state troopers.  Our parking enforcement officers issued $40,000 in fines, payable to the town. Crossing guard expense is reimbursed by 80% from the school district.  The town's cell phone use was discussed and Ms. Stajduhar reported that the town is considering the implementation of a "cell phone policy" in the future.  

Rogers Lake Patrol
First Selectman Griswold reviewed the budget with the estimated cost of police services for Roger's Lake at $7,485 (this includes the Roger's Lake Dues).  This amount will be split 50/50 with the town of Lyme.  

Rogers Lake Dues
First Selectman Griswold reported that this fee is $75.

Mr. Woolley moved to approve $7,485 for Roger's Lake Patrol Services and Dues, with a 50/50 split on this amount with the town of Lyme.  Mr. Garvin seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

5.  Other Public Safety:  01-205    (Woolley / Garvin)

Emergency Management
Mr. Garvin presented the proposed budget for Emergency Management.  He had reviewed this with David Roberge, Emergency Management Director.  The budget is $700.  This is tabled to a future meeting.

Valley Shore Communication
First Selectman Griswold reported that $113,584 had been requested.  Last year $108,188 had been allocated.  Mr. Devoe made a motion to approve $113,584 for Valley Shore Communication.  Mrs. Sturges seconded the motion.  Discussion followed. SO VOTED.

Volunteer Ambulance Association

Animal Control
Mr. Woolley reported that he had met with the town's Animal Control Officer to review the budget. The requested amount is $20,320 (not including salaries). Mr. Woolley visited the shelter and said he was impressed with the operation.  The board had questions on the line item regarding heat.  Mr. Woolley stated that the heating system should be looked at and possibly replaced in the very near future.  Ms. Stajduhar will review present year figures.  Mr. Russell requested that this item be tabled until the next meeting.

Lymes' Youth Service
The board discussed the increase request for town funds, with special attention to social services expenses.  This amount could be compensated through the Social Services budget.  Mr. Woolley moved to approve $66,000 to LYSB.  Mr. Devoe seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.  Mr.Russell requested that a discussion regarding Social Services expense with regard to the LYSB current year be tabled to a future meeting.

Park and Recreation
Parks and Recreation:  Tabled

Town Woods Park:  Mr. Kerr made a motion to approve $112,500 for Town Woods Park.  Mrs. Sturges seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.  It was noted that 21% of this amount would be reimbursed from the town of Lyme.

Fireworks / Memorial Day:  Mr. Kerr made a motion to approve $20,500 for Fireworks and Memorial Day with up to $18,000 of this amount to be funded through the Sound View Parking Lot Fund.  Mrs. Sturges seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.  Mr. Woolley and Mr. Devoe were opposed.
8.  Other Business

Mr.  Russell reminded the board of the joint meeting with the Board of Education on February 24, at 6:00 PM at the Middle School.

The approval of the minutes for the Board of Finance meeting, February 2, 2010 were tabled until the meeting of February 23, 2010.

Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board of Finance will be on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 7:00 PM in the Old Lyme Town Hall Meeting Hall.  

9.  Adjournment
A motion was made by Mr. Kerr to adjourn the meeting at 10:02 PM, seconded by Mr.Devoe.  SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted, ~

Mary Ellen Garbarino
Recording Secretary